Tuesday, March 21, 2017

How To Treat Your Brain To Be Amazing

We have an organ that very important to our life, its called, Brain! Do you know that brain have a great secreat that can help us to understand something, such as theoris, and etc. Here are some secreat things about brain, and what you can do to  train your brain work bestly.

Work your memory
"A large part of the reason we seem to forget so much may well be that, whilst our long term memory is virtually limitless, our short term, or ‘working’ memory has a much, much smaller capacity. The original research into short term memory says we can only remember 5 to 9 pieces of information there at any given time, though more recent experiments suggest it may even be as low as 4!
The human brain consists of about one billion neurons. Each neuron forms about 1,000 connections to other neurons, amounting to more than a trillion connections. Neurons combine so
that each one helps with many memories at a time, exponentially increasing the brain’s memory storage capacity to something closer to around 2.5 petabytes – Professor Paul Reber, Northwestern University"
Our bodies and minds do not like working. Until it becomes a habit, most of us do not love going to the gym. We'd rather be sitting on the couch eating Oreos. Your brain is no different. It doesn't like being forced to think through problems and learn new skills at first. But once you've learn the fundamentals, the brain doesn't need to do as much work, so it becomes easier.
brain usefull
“We don’t attempt to store information in our own memory to the same degree that we used to, because we know that the internet knows everything… …One could speculate that this extends to personal memories, as constantly looking at the world through the lens of our smartphone camera may result in us trusting our smartphones to store our memories for us. This way, we pay less attention to life itself and become worse at remembering events from our own lives. – Dr. Maria Wimber, University of Birmingham
Now, you may not have dancers to correct, but you may be required to give feedback on a presentation, or your friends may ask you what interesting things you saw at the museum. These are great opportunities to practically train your brain by flexing your memory muscles.
What is the simplest way to help yourself remember what you see? Repetition.
For example, say you just met someone new.
“Hi, my name is Nina”
Don’t just respond with, “Nice to meet you”. Instead, say, “Nice to meet you Nina.” Got it? Good.
Do something different repeatedly.
By actually doing something new over and over again, your brain wires new pathways that help you do this new thing better and faster.
So if you have been postponing organizing your desk, just take one paper and put in its right place. Or, you can go even smaller. Look at one piece of paper and decide where to put it: Trash? Right cabinet? Another room? Give it to someone?
You don’t actually need to clean up that paper; you only need to decide what you need to do with it.
Learn something new.
Learning a new language exposes your brain to a different way of thinking, a different way of expressing yourself. Here a video about learn with brain:

Follow a brain training program.

In the educational setting, higher demand is put on excellent academic achievement. The extent to which students utilize their cognitive abilities is also important and may contribute to better academic achievement. The cognitive abilities of the students refer to the way the students perceive, pay attention, remember, think, and understand the lessons.

Spend time with your loved ones.

If you want optimal cognitive abilities, then you’ve got to have meaningful relationships in your life.  Talking with others and engaging with your loved ones helps you think more clearly, and it can also lift your mood.

there are a review about mind and colour, The Influence of Colour on Memory Performance.
brain amazing

Human cognition involves many mental processes that are highly interrelated, such as perception, attention, memory, and thinking. An important and core cognitive process is memory, which is commonly associated with the storing and remembering of environmental information. An interesting issue in memory research is on ways to enhance memory performance, and thus, remembering of information. Can colour result in improved memory abilities? The present paper highlights the relationship between colours, attention, and memory performance. The significance of colour in different settings is presented first, followed by a description on the nature of human memory.
The role of attention and emotional arousal on memory performance is discussed next. The review of several studies on colours and memory are meant to explain some empirical works done in the area and related issues that arise from such studies.





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